How to Send Follow Up Emails After No Response

Consistent follow-up emails are essential to making more sales or at least getting a customer interested. Don’t worry, while personalized emails receive better responses that don’t mean you can’t utilize a follow-up tool to help you organize and automate those emails.

Best Priced Content Writing Service for Your Website or Blog

If you own a website for your business, you should know by now that if you want to get to the top of Google for searches specific to your niche, writing great content is a must. Here are a few tips to get you going and finding the best content writing service for the price.

The Best 4 Social Media Trends of 2020

Social media has profoundly inserted itself into our way of life. An examination by The Manifest uncovered that 86% of the U.S. populace utilizes social media every day. This is the reason it pays to approach the most recent social media trends.

Amazing SaaS Startup Growth Strategies You Shouldn't Miss

With all of the different SaaS companies in existence, you need to find a way to create a competitive edge. Ignoring the need for this edge can lead to low sales numbers and even lower consumer engagement levels. Find out about some growth strategies you can use to take your SaaS company to the next level.

Retargeting: Aim to Win Your Customers Back

Retargeting is among the most successful, yet fairly underrated techniques. Just about one-third of global marketers use it for growing massive revenue and reaching new customers and clients. This method is utterly basic, yet effective — using simple lines of code, it reminds customers to continue where they left off.

Reasons Why Schema is Important in Website SEO

How will your prospective audiences read your content pieces with all those well-optimized keywords? How will they watch your videos when they can’t find that content? The first step isn’t nailing the optimization for the search engine/s you’re going with.

Who Says SEO is Dead? Not With These Tools.

You may have heard the news: SEO is dead! Or say they say and have been saying for the last three years. The truth is with changing trends, old SEO techniques die but make way for new trends. In 2020 it’s no different, these are the tools people going to be using to keep SEO going strong.

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