How to Best Choose & Use Text In Digital Presentations

After you have gone through all the preparations we have discussed in our "How to Create Awesome Marketing Videos" series, now it is time to to choose a font. This post will dive into a number of tips regarding text when designing your presentation.

Video Planning Tips for Beginner Video Marketers

Whether you are creating a PowerPoint presentation or producing a short marketing video, there are some standard formulas that should be followed to produce impacting presentation. Here are a few of the more important ones.

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Business

If you are a veteran or a novice at producing videos for your marketing, we hope this helps give you a fresh new look at how you can market your videos online. In this post we will share what you need to know to create a video marketing strategy for your business.

5 Tips for Creating Excellent Videos

Improving the marketing campaign can be tough, and when it comes to creating excellent videos, it's not a cup of tea for each individual. Here is how to convert visitors into leads and then into quality customers using professional videos.

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