Video Marketing Strategy Series
If you are wondering how to create a video marketing strategy that you can keep up with, look no further.
In this post we will share what you need to know about putting together a successful video marketing strategy for your business.

Part 1
Let's start with a refresh of the basics when creating a marking video, from start to finish.
Whether you are a veteran or novice at creating marketing videos, we hope this article will help give you a fresh new look at how to create a video marketing strategy and get the most out of your marketing videos, whether it be on YouTube, Vimeo, or wherever your favorite place is to share videos.
5 Secrets to Video Marketing Success
1. Create a Posting Schedule
The first thing you will want to do is define your video marketing goals and then create a video posting schedule that you can maintain. This does not only mean how many you post per month, or week, but how long it takes you to produce and share them.
A video marketing strategy will help you meet your goals and create new video content.
There is a formula to follow that will help maximize your effort, your effectiveness and your final products value. Let's Take a look at a typical schedule for us when creating a 1-2 minute video production, from start to finish.
Made with Visme Infographic Maker
2. Tell Your Stories
When looking for original content to post, it can be challenging at times. Somedays we have so many creative ideas that we can not get to them all, and then the next day that creativity well can dry up. Write down all your ideas, somedays you will want to reflect on those when searching for new ideas does not come easy.
The best way to come up with new, unique content is to simply tell your stories. Everyone loves a good story, so learn how to put you story into a video form. No-one likely knows your business as well as you do, tell a story about it. A great video starts with a good story, a blank piece of paper, and writing down notes.
Then take those notes and create your storyboard. Then find your content images/graphics/videos etc. and it won't be long after that until you have a video to share.
3. Optimize with SEO Strategy
When you post your videos, be sure to take the necessary time to title, tag and use the correct keyphrase/keyword strategies that you would for any post on a website.
If you have bookmarking sites that you use, be sure to share them there, as well as all of your social media channels.
If you are confused about SEO, as many people are, you can simplify and get fantasic results with Squirrly SEO Pro. We have been a user amd and a huge supporter of Squirrly since 2013.
4. Don't Forget Your Call to Action
So many times we see these great videos, but there is nothing at then end of the video to make me want to take that next step. Always tell your viewer what you need them to do next after the video is over.
5. Use a Good Video Editing Tool
This could very well be the most important step. We have used so many video editors over the years, some have been so-so and others not so good. However, with the advances in online technology in the last few years, there are some very good video editing tools that are available online.
One of our favorites video making tools is FlexClip, it is pretty awesome.
See how we put all those strategies to work when we produced this video below.
Video created using FlexClip
Creating a video marketing strategy and holding yourself to it will help you get results from your video marketing campaign. Stick with it, you will not only get better at creating videos, but you will get faster at it too.
Challenge Yourself with New Video Objectives
Create new goals and objectives weekly. If you want to attract a new set of customers to your business, you will want to create an "awareness video" about what you offer. If you want to engage your audience, create a "consideration video". If you’re close to closing the sale, nurture your prospects by creating a "decision video".
So get your video marketing strategy into gear and start telling your story, people are waiting to hear about it!

About the Author:
The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.
I hope you find the information and tools presented here useful and something worth sharing with others.
If there is anything else about online marketing or any online advertising strategy you think would be helpful, please let me know.