The Importance of Branding – Online and Offline

Branding has evolved and the importance of branding is becoming more and more important as time moves forward. Before, it was only used to label and identify livestock. Now, it is more than just labeling and identification.

6 Brands Made Famous by One Strong Ad

Many “overnight” successes have actually been toiling away for years before they ever find commercial footing, but some brands nailed it in one shot. Either that, or their first 200 shots were quickly forgotten in the wake of one killer ad. Guest Post by Ryan Currie:...

Three Important Ideas for the Social Media Newbie

Being new to social media can be quite overwhelming. Follow a few good tips for best practices and you’ll be a pro in no time. When it comes to social media it appears that anything goes. If you are new to the social media world you could be easily led astray by bad...

How to Make a QR Code Logo

You are probably seeing QR codes more frequently on signs, magazines, buses, business cards, realtor for sale signs or almost any object that people might want more information. Soon, having a QR code will be as common place as having your telephone number on your business card. But what is a QR Code?

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