Are you spending a fortune on Copyright Free or Royalty Free Images? Even worse, are you using any image you find on Google and using it for your blog?
There are consequences that go along with using Copyright images so here is how to find free to use images that you can even modify searching images on Google Images.

Here is how to find free to use images that you can even modify searching images on Google Images:
Use Google Images' search tools to filter your results.
When you search for images on Google Images, you can use the search tools to filter your results by usage rights. This will help you to find images that are free to use, either with or without modification.
To use the search tools, click on the "Search Tools" button in the top right corner of the search results page. Then, click on the "Usage rights" drop-down menu and select the type of usage rights that you are looking for.
Check the image's license.
Once you have found an image that you want to use, be sure to check the image's license. The license will tell you how you can use the image, and it will also tell you who the copyright holder is.
If you are unsure of the terms of the license, you can always contact the copyright holder for clarification.
Give credit to the copyright holder.
Even if you are using an image that is free to use, it is always a good idea to give credit to the copyright holder. This is a simple way to show your appreciation for the work of the copyright holder, and it is also a good way to avoid any potential legal problems.
There are a few different ways to give credit to the copyright holder. You can include a link to the copyright holder's website in the caption of the image, or you can include the copyright holder's name in the caption.
The different usage rights options available.
- Labeled for reuse
Your results will only include content that is either labeled as public domain or carry a license that allows you to copy or redistribute its content, as long as the content remains unchanged.
- Labeled for reuse with modification
Your results will only include content that is labeled with a license that allows you to copy, modify, or redistribute in ways specified in the license.
Be careful about using images that you find on social media.
Just because you find an image on social media does not mean that you are free to use it. Many social media platforms have their own terms of use that govern the use of images.
Before using an image that you find on social media, be sure to read the platform's terms of use. If you are unsure of whether or not you are allowed to use the image, it is always best to err on the side of caution and not use it.
Use AI to create your own images
Another tip to avoid copyright issues is to use AI to create your own images. There are a number of AI image creation tools available that can be used to create high-quality images from scratch.
These tools can be used to create a wide variety of images, including landscapes, portraits, abstract art, and more. They are also relatively easy to use, even for those with no experience in image editing. By using AI to create your own images, you can avoid any potential copyright issues and ensure that your content is unique and original.
By following these tips, you can find free to use images that you can use on your blog or website without any worries about copyright infringement.
About the Author:
The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.
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