Capturing leads online only takes time, work and a little online research

Whether you want to capture leads or get listed on the first page of any search engine or both is not difficult. Some ways are just easier that others.

Content Marketing

Depending on how you want to be listed, how much time you have, your HTML experience and the message you want to give all dictate how you should begin your quest for search engine domination for your company.

Have a Website or Someway to Capture emails

Before you do anything though, you will want to be sure that you have a way to capture leads. Either a website, squeeze page or an email capture form. No, you don't have to have a website or a squeeze page to start, (but it will give you much more credibility), you can also use social media sites like Facebook to capture leads.

Research MailChimp for Facebook, you can watch our video from here (this link will open in a new window). It is freeĀ  for up to 500 emails, you can create a newsletter or whatever you wish. Using your emails you can now promote any affiliate programs with your monthly newsletter. Adding the MailChimp application to your Fanpage allows you to have a "squeeze page" that will allow you to capture leads. Drive people to that page and watch what happens.

Once you have collected emails, DO NOT abuse your email list. Be sure that when you do send people any newsletter that is has relevant and good information that the subscriber signed up to receive. Don't pollute it with off topic ads or promotions or you will quickly see unsubscribes. Treat your list with respect.

Do Some Search Engine Marketing

This is something you don't need a lot of HTML experience to do. If you have a website and want to drive more traffic to it, add your company profile to at least the five places that we have listed here. (This link will open in a new window.) This will automatically give you good backlinks (which is a link from that site to yours) from websites with a high PageRank. Having backlinks from sites with a high PageRank will do wonders for your sites rise in the search engines as well.

Create a Facebook Fan Page

With a Facebook Fanpage you can now attract followers, send them all a notification email via Facebook, Post links to what you feel your followers would be interested in, create an event calendar and so much more.

Submit an Article a Month to Article Sites For More Leads and More Backlinks

One of the other things you can do that will give you dramatic results is to write and submit articles with good, relative content to popular Article Sites. Doing this is two-fold. First, most of these sites allow you to create a profile that allows a description of your company or service with a backlink to your website or blog.

Though this may seem extremely time consuming to do it and do it right, it will have a LARGE influence for your overall online visibility and your online web-presence and your on and off line credibility as well. Here are a few sites that you can start with.

Learn the Basics of HTML to Get Better Search Engine ResultsThe Basic SEO Terms Explained

Most sites you will add articles to have a "WYSIWYG" (What You See Is What You Get) Editor to make things simpler if you do not know HTML, but knowing how to use it more effectively is imperative.

Here are a few terms you will need know and learn to really improve your search engine ranking whether you are writing on your blog or submitting an article. Just do a Google search on these subjects and you will find everything you need to know.

  • Keywords
  • URL Text
  • Description, Meta tags
  • Title tags
  • Image Names
  • No Follow tags
  • ALT tags
  • Heading tags
  • Content
  • Hyperlinks

Using all these correctly within your articles and blog posts will give you more "SEO Juice" as well.

Questions? Don't ever be to shy to ask us here, it's the only way to learn.


About the Author:

The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.

I hope you find the information and tools presented here useful and something worth sharing with others.

If there is anything else about online marketing or any online advertising strategy you think would be helpful, please let me know.

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