For those who are new to ecommerce and the digital marketing world, SEO may be an acronym with which you are not familiar.

Without a doubt, once you get into running an ecommerce business or working in ecommerce, it will be something without which you cannot succeed.

Ecommerce SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, means making sure your website’s content comes up in Google searches (and other search engines too). This allows your online offerings to reach as many consumers as possible.

If you have not implemented an SEO effort, it’s time to reap its rewards.

Here are three SEO tips for ecommerce

to help you get started.

1. Get a Better Understanding of What Your Shoppers Value

The initial step to utilizing SEO for your ecommerce website is to do a little bit of audience analysis on your customers.

The first place to check for this information is in customer reviews. If shoppers are noting they sought your site out for its inventory or quality, you know the products you carry may be the deciding factor in someone’s purchase. If others are noting your site is easy to use, you know your layout and design are helping to close the deal. If reviewers are saying they love your e-store for its low prices, you know affordability may be more important to your current audience than quality or personality.

Whatever your customers are saying will help you know what is making you stand out above the rest. It’s also important to consider what they aren’t saying to find areas in which you can improve.

2. Figure Out Your Search Terms

Another bit of necessary research is to figure out is which search terms customers are using to find your store. If the vast majority of your visitors are discovering your e-store through product terms, you should continue to prioritize product pages. For instance, if shoppers find your site when searching “buy romantic ebooks” then you know what you need to do – optimize for how to sell ebooks online through your Shopify store.

Conversely, if the majority of your search traffic comes from branded terms (like “Nicky’s Brand Cupcakes” or “Athletic100 Sneakers”), then you know marketing is your most important channel. The more brand terms you stick into people minds through advertising and marketing, the more folks will organically turn up to your site through the Google search bar.

3. Grow Your Search Terms

Once you know the keywords associated with a major core of your audience, you can begin to utilize these keywords in your copywriting on your website. This includes landing page text, marketing copy, and item descriptions. If you sell pillows for example, using the phrase “memory foam pillow” may be a way to draw in customers rather than just saying something about its firmness.

In the end, SEO keywords simplify things for your copy, which helps you if you write very detailed, descriptive copy. It’s nice to let your customers know what they are searching and potentially buying, but simple copy can help keep things clean on your site, as well as drive traffic to your ecommerce store.

In Summation…

SEO marketing is essential in digital ecommerce spaces. The fastest way to find what you are looking to buy as a customer is a search engine inquiry. Google, Bing, and other search engines drive sales, and the higher you rank on their algorithms, the easier potential customers will be able to find you.

You can market on social media and other platforms, but for customers to whom you do not have access, SEO marketing and keywords allow you to further your outreach and boost your potential for sales. Even better, those searching for your site or products are likely interested in what you have to offer. This can lead you to more permanent customers. Social media shoppers are often easily pulled in, but they are known to move on quickly to another trend or set of interests.

SEO marketing yields incredible results. It’s easy to implement these strategies into your eCommerce business marketing plan with these three tips.


About the Author:

The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.

I hope you find the information and tools presented here useful and something worth sharing with others.

If there is anything else about online marketing or any online advertising strategy you think would be helpful, please let me know.

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