With so many feature-packed smartwatch devices available on the gadget market, it's not exactly easy to figure out which one is worth buying.

Smartwatch Showdown

For instance, you may have narrowed down your choice to Apple's Series 4 and the new Fitbit Versa, but how do you make the final choice?

Luckily, there’s a comprehensive infographic that can help you pick the right smartwatch for your needs. The infographic looks at different point of comparison between these two popular devices.

Firstly, Apple Watch Series 4 is compared to Fitbit Versa based on price and affordability. At $169.99, Versa is clearly the more obvious choice for the budget-conscious compared to Apple's Series 4, which retails at $399 or $429, depending on the case size. Keep in mind though that Versa is less expensive for some obvious reasons, including the build materials and features.

While both of these smart devices are built to last, Apple is the clear winner when it comes to the sales cycle. The tech giant frequently updates their smartwatch line (a new release once a year), which means that new improvements and features are being added each time.

To find out more about how these watches fare against one another, don't miss the infographic below by The Watchstrap.co!

Fitbit vs Apple Watch - Infographic-US-Version
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The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.

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