If you are looking for an powerful, yet simple to use free Popup plugin for WordPress, look no further than Popup Builder.

PopupBuilder has 28 extensions, including pop-ups for menu items and lead magnets. The premium version costs $39.95/year or you can download the free popup plugin which gives users access to most of these powerful features.
Watch the Video Below to see all the powerful features of Popup Builder
A few of the Many Popup Builder Features included with the free version:
- Create and manage as many popups as you want
- Customize the look and feel of the popup
- Set popup animation effect
- Choose between several popup themes
- Set popup location on the screen
- Show popup after X amount of page scrolling/Scroll popups – – sometimes you don’t want to show the popup right away, it’s a good idea to set this option so the popup will be shown to the visitor only when he scrolls.
- OnClick/OnHover popup
- Redirect confirmation popup/Leaving notice popup
- Repetitive pop up – show popup every X period of time
The image below will show you the features that are available with the free version of Popup Builder, to view more extensions, visit popup-builder-extensions.
However, if you are interested in any additional extensions, the best deal may be to get all 28 extensions starting at 39.95/yr.

Take your website to the next stage
WordPress Popup Builder
Create and deploy Powerful and Unique WordPress Popups in 5 minutes. 100.000+ users can't be wrong!
Download the Best Free Popup Builder Plugin for WordPress!
About the Author:
The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.
I hope you find the information and tools presented here useful and something worth sharing with others.
If there is anything else about online marketing or any online advertising strategy you think would be helpful, please let me know.