The start of the internet revolution saw a series of useful tools make their way into our homes. Without a doubt, one of those tools was webmail. It completely revolutionized the way we send and receive messages.
What used to take days and sometimes even weeks could now be accomplished in a matter of seconds! Of course, one of the very first sites to spur the revolution for free webmail was www hotmail com.
In fact, Hotmail’s popularity as a free webmail service actually grew faster than any media company in history to precede it! Yes indeed, people found the service that useful!
Even better: Microsoft took notice and offered to purchase Hotmail from its founders for the staggering amount of $400 million!! The founders accepted…. happily.
What’s even more insane is that the deal took place only a year after Hotmail’s founding in 1996. Think about it, You start a company today and sell it for nearly half a billion a year later!
In any case, Microsoft definitely got their money’s worth. Hotmail would continue growing into becoming the world's largest web mail service by February of 1999!
Here are even more facts and features on Hotmail for you to enjoy right here: