Mobile Marketing Today Exceeds Online MarketingThe use of online marketing is still quite effective, but is nothing like what’s happening in the world of mobile marketing. Explore this method of connecting with your customer base and others.

The use of marketing for mobile devices is growing by leaps and bounds. The reason? It’s becoming more and more common for phone users to access the internet and receive texts as often and sometimes more so, than they do using their laptops or desktop computers. Smart marketing these days will include the use of mobile marketing to get a message across.

Everything from products and services to coupons and sale information can be expressed through the use of a mobile marketing plan. If you haven’t attempted this means of spreading the word about your product, you may be missing out.

It’s very inexpensive, and effective. While it used to be the consumer’s greatest tool, the home computer is no longer the most convenient way to find what they are looking for when they have the impulse to buy something. Using the computer at home requires that a consumer plan ahead to research what it is that they need or want, and then they must leave the house to make the purchase or order the product online.

How to Claim your Free Google Places Mobile Listing

Mobile Marketing Example

Find what you want using Mobile Search!Using their mobile device, a consumer can now find what they want at the exact moment that it crosses their minds. While sipping a late at the local coffee house a friend begins a discussion about the latest trend in basketball shoes. They pull out the smart phone and search. There is a store just 2 blocks away that carries the shoes they were discussing. Off they go to see them in person, and may make an impulsive purchase. If that advertiser had failed to make the information readily and instantly available, they may have missed the sale.

This is just a simple example of why mobile media marketing is big and getting bigger every day. Casinos text special room rates to their club members, restaurants and fast food establishments text deals on food and free drinks with purchase, and there are literally millions of other uses that you will find for the text-to-mobile application. Showing the mobile message to the clerk at the counter is all that is needed to collect on the deal. It couldn’t be easier.

Mobile Marketing is Not Intrusive

A customer can always be given the choice to opt out of your texts by instructing them to text ‘stop’ or something similar. This keeps them from believing that you are unfairly bombarding them with advertising that they do not want. Explore this explosive new way to reach your target market in a cost effective and convenient way and you’ll be keeping current with the technology of today’s biggest and brightest marketing experts.

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