Don't Ever Give Up!

Even from the ashes of failure can grow flowers of success. Always be green and growing, not  ripe and rotten.

Create Articles For Search and Share

Their are several methods that will get you to the top of the Search Engines, but one of the simplest, most effective ways to get your marketing on the first page for popular, competitive searches is by using article marketing. However, their are a few things you can...

Different Forms of QR Code Marketing For Mobile

Looking for unique ideas for QR code marketing? In 2012 when this article was first posted, QR code marketing was brand new. It tool a little while to catch on, much to the credit of Covid-19. Here are a few other methods and ideas to jump start your QR code marketing efforts.

Basic SEO Strategies That Are Still Effective

Don’t throw out your learned ideas about SEO marketing from last year. Adapt them to fit today’s specific social media formats instead. Are you freaking out because of all the new updates like Google's Panda update and all the other subsequent ones? Whoa! Slow down...

Tips for Your Facebook Business Page

Advertising your services and products on Facebook seems easy, but take the time to use basic advertising principles when you create your Facebook Page. You know of Facebook for interacting socially and for promoting business brands. Did you know that you can also use...

Mobile Marketing Boosts Profit for Small Businesses

  According to Grow Smart Biz, of the 500 small business owners studied, 84% saw an increase in new business activity after engaging in mobile marketing. 69% “somewhat or strongly agreed that ‘mobile marketing is key to my small business growth in the next five...

Time Tested Tips for SEO Success

There are some things that should be done to achieve a good level of SEO for your pages. Make sure that your chosen SEO manager has a good grasp of basic knowledge. After you appoint someone as your SEO company guru, be sure to give them these tips to use if they...

How to Make Your Website Mobile Ready

Smartphone usage is soaring! It is now estimated that 61% of all local searches will be done using smart phones. What does this mean for your website? Simple, if your website is not mobile friendly, you are going to miss out on a major source of traffic and business!...

Dream Vehicle

Even if you are not driving the vehicle of your dreams, live with it, it is the vehicle you have to them.

Any Questions?

Don't ever stop asking questions. It is not the answer the enlightens, but the question.


“Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to thier shinning – they just shine” Dwight L. Moody


"A person can grow only  as much as his horizons allow" ~ John Powell

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