E-mail marketing. Doesn't it feel like someone threw an open challenge to get people to open and read your emails? Like, actually ‘read’?
Image by DesignCap
Carefully crafting each sentence, polishing it to perfection, wrecking your brain to come up with a catchy subject line and finally hitting the “send” button with a sigh of relief – you've done your part. (Phew!)
You come back to check your mail statistics after that well deserved break and what do you see? The number of opens are really really disappointing. (Depressing. I need another cup of coffee!)
Haven’t we all been there?
How difficult can it be to craft that perfect mail? Can’t be rocket science, can it? I assure you it isn't, as I am about to share with you the most ‘awesomest’ (if that can be a word) advises for e-mail marketing that I have come across. It worked for me, it shall work for you too (Amen).
So, ready for some ‘Legen-wait for it-dary’ email framing?
- You Are My Only One. Oh! They know you have a lot of subscribers, but you don’t have to reinforce it. Write as if you’re emailing only one person – the personal touch.
- No Stalking Talking! Offer your services and products that nudge the reader to buy – be useful. Don’t sound too desperate to sell your products, that is down right creepy. State facts and show people why they need your product/service.
- Quit Playing Games With My Time. Do you have something important to notify people of? If you don’t, avoid sending them emails that have nothing valuable to say. If you are someone wanting to stay in touch with your clients, send them periodic emails but don’t spam them throughout the week.
- Pique Curiosity. Use bizarre words that nudge them to check out the link you are promoting. Don’t sell before your prospect is ready. Play with the way your reader thinks. Add multiple links to your mail, because then there are higher chances of at least one being clicked on.
- My Links Work. Make sure your site is up and running at all times, and that the up-time is efficient enough to avoid increased bounce rates. Many of you are already aware of how to make this happen. For those of you who aren't, the trick is to get your site hosted (properly). Now, to find an affordable and reliable web host is a task in itself. I’ll make it easier for you by offering a comprehensive look at the top web hosting providers at Hosting Reviewed.
- Promises Are Not Meant To Be Broken. Promise something good. Promise not just quantity, but quality and technical support with your products, if required. And deliver what you promise!
- The Number Games. Digits like 4 and 37 are surely going to stop the eyes from wandering here and there. People are more interested in statistics than they are in content.
- Highlight The Highlights. Craft the mail in such a way that it makes your USP stand out. It’s not OK to sell ‘all-out’, but it’s OK to be a show off (at least most of the time).
- The Listener. Ask questions, engage your reader with interesting interactive questions seeking suggestions and participation. The more you welcome their suggestions, the more they interact.
And most importantly..
10. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). Everyone’s inbox is overflowing with emails from wanted and ‘unwanted’ sources and nobody really has the time to go through them all.
So, KEEP IT SHORT. Respect the time of people in your contact list and send them something that conveys the point without them having to rack their brains over comprehending it.
Think you've mastered it all? It’s time to ‘send’ and promote.

About the Author: Sofia Brooks
With a degree in IT, Sofia has worked with the top hosting companies for over a decade. Currently she works with Hosting Reviewed, providing an in-depth evaluation of the various hosting companies listed.
10. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is my favorite. I like the realistic approach to realizing people are busy and bombarded. If you have something useful for them, that's great. Just keep it simple and easy,
Our favorite too! Thanks