Best 4 B2B Content Marketing Strategies in 2019

Best 4 B2B Content Marketing Strategies in 2019

You may be wondering about how to start a B2B content marketing strategy that will drive sales in 2019.

To create a great content strategy you need a powerful website that converts visitors to customers, and strong lead and demand generation content to lead them there in the first place.

Here are some tips to create the best B2B content marketing strategy for your team this year.

Pique interest with high-quality informational content. Spotlight: podcasts

Creating a B2B content marketing strategy that succeeds starts with great demand generation content.

It’s key to create content relevant to your industry that will interest your audience, and position your brand as a trustworthy source — which can translate into leads through gated content once they are back on your website.

We want to spotlight one form of content in particular: in 2019, podcasts as content marketing B2B strategy are back in vogue, and in a big way.

While they are not a new technology, research shows that more people are listening to podcasts in vehicles, through smart speakers, and other platforms.

Another upside: when people start listening to podcasts, they tend to listen for weeks, as podcasts are episodic. An amazing 500 million will be spent on podcast ads by 2020, and companies are already seeing the results.

Develop a distribution plan that suits your needs. Spotlight: LinkedIn Groups

There are more platforms than ever for digital content to reach an audience. Make sure that your content distribution plan aligns with your growth strategies, and that your plan is adaptable.

Conduct market research to understand the browsing habits and interests of your target companies. Perhaps Twitter leaves your audience cold, but they respond best to paid YouTube ads? Learn from it: don’t be afraid to be flexible.

When preparing a b2b inbound marketing strategy, consider LinkedIn groups. Key decision-makers in companies tend to collect there, receive notifications when someone (like you!) posts new content, and react in real time to content.

Every B2B content marketing strategy should involve SEO

So your top B2B content marketing strategy, including content production and distribution, are getting visitors to your site — that’s great, but it doesn’t end there.

Take a long look at your site data, and how visitors interact with the site, analyzing how visitors arrive and exit the site. Know the difference between bounce rate and exit rate; and understand what roadblocks are raising your bounce rate, or when visitors click away.

Content is a huge part of a successful website. Do the pages flow logically? Are the landing pages written ideally, with simple direct language and compelling CTAs at the end?

There’s a lot to know about SEO and a digital marketing company can help.

Pillar pages to drive your website up in search

In terms of simplifying content marketing strategies, B2B website designs benefit from powerful pillar pages.

Pillar pages are core pages that contain a wealth of information on your core topic, from which smaller pieces of content radiate outwards, providing powerful opportunities for backlinks and other SEO pages.

When crafting pillar pages, ensure they have CTAs, just like landing pages. Here are some pillar page examples to get you started.

Digital content marketing is an exciting and fast-changing field, with new platforms and mediums available to reach your audience and convert leads to sales.

Develop a strong content marketing plan and a distribution plan that will be sure to meet and expand your audience, and a well-optimized website to nurture and convert leads. Using these tips will help you boost your content marketing game and drive sales in 2019.

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