If you have installed the WPLapdance plugin, you may find that your RSS Feed is no longer working. That may not be a big deal if you don't care about your RSS Feed, but if you do, un-install the WPLapdance plugin!

WPLapdance RSS Feed ErrorThere are several plugins that seem to work and then one day you go back and look at something within your blog and you discover that something is astray… this was the case with my RSS Feed after installing the WPLapdance plugin… It gave me an error in my RSS Feed and made it none functional.

I wouldn't have probably noticed it if I didn't have my RSS Feed going into sites like Technorati.com,  Bloggers.com, Feedburner and several others.

The WPLapdance plugin is a plugin that puts a Pop-up on your website when anyone attempts to leave it.. at first I was very satisfied with the plugin until I noticed the problem. When I went to check my feed, I received the following error.

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 21 at column 70: Entity 'raquo' not defined

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

To troubleshoot the problem, I went backwards to uninstall plugins and the last one I installed was the WPLapdance one. As soon as I disabled it, I went to validate my feed from https://validator.w3.org and it was working again.

If anyone is having the same challenge and/or knows how to make the RSS Feed work with the WPLapdance plugin, would love to know about it. I liked the plugin and would continue to use it, but not if it disables the RSS Feed.



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